Solving cash flow problems for business owners in 34 countries in over 50 industries for over 25 years.


Cash Flow Analysis – Analyzing the Key Problem Areas in Your Business

Cash Flow Analysis

Cash Flow Analysis – Analyzing the Key Problem Areas in Your Business

Times have changed and we have entered into an era where the world is a global village. There are positive sides of these changes but the challenges and competition have also increased. You have to be aggressive in nature and be able to have a futuristic approach to be able to survive in this aggressive and vast competitive world of business. But even before you look at your competitors and try to match them step by step or try to overcome them in business strategies, there are a few things that you need to do internally to have a strong base. It is very important to have a strong base in order to be successful. It is often seen that people have failed in business because of internal problems. So it is very important to first organize your business internally. And one of the main focus areas for you should be cash flow management. Yes employee management and other spheres are also equally important but if the pivot, around which your business runs, that is cash, is not managed properly then all your financial planning can actually go wrong and you might come to a situation where you might need to cease your operations and that is a nightmare for any businessman. And the main point of focus area is cash flow analysis.

Small and mid level business finds it very difficult to manage their cash flow as they have to take care of too many things at the same time and almost everything becomes a priority all together and unfortunately accounting takes the back bench over a period of time. A proper cash flow analysis has to be done for both out flow and in the flow of your cash, to get a realistic view of the future of your business. This will help you with the projection and identification of your key problem areas in advance and you will be ready with plans at various to be able to tackle those problems as and when they arrive or take necessary steps to avoid those problems. There are bound to be hurdles in each and every stage of your business, what is important is how you are able to predict it coming and how well prepared you are for those hurdles.

The best way to handle your financial hurdles is to analyze your cash flow in a periodic manner. Cash flow analysis helps you understand intriguing details of your financial status. It gives you an insight on your debt and how much more is needed to be paid from your side, gives you the details about the savings that you need to do, gives you the information on the bills that need to be paid on a monthly basis, tells you about the expenses which are actually becoming a hindrance in the smooth running of your business, payments that are yet to be received. Apart from these data it also provides you with the information on how much money needs to be generated on a monthly in order to function smoothly, your current growth rate and where you should actually be in real terms. Small and medium business owners try to generate these data manually and unfortunately end up missing or skipping some steps. And because it is a very tedious and time task they sometimes avoid doing it. Therefore they are not able to analyze the status of their business finances. There are budgeting softwares like cash flow Mojo software which can help you do the analysis with ease. Not only does it help you with your cash flow planning and management, it also helps you in planning and implementation of strategies to focus on key pain areas of your finance.

Analyzing with the help of cash flow software gives you the edge in financial planning which can help you to take your business from a small or a medium business unit to a large conglomerate over a period of time. It is the best way to take use of technological advances and expand your business and change according to the needs and change of today’s business environment. There are many firms or business units  turn up like mushrooms every day but they are hardly able to sustain themselves in the market for more than first two or three years. The first five years of any business are very crucial. They will decide whether you are there to stay in the market or will fade off because you will not be able to sustain the pressure of the needs of the market. That is because in these first five years the first two years will be the time where you will be spending more than you will be earning or expecting to earn. It might take you somewhere between the fourth or the fifth year, depending upon the size and kind of your business, to break even. And from the sixth or the seventh year you might expect to start a marginal amount of profit. The number of years can vary depending upon a lot of factors. So if you do not do your cash flow analysis properly then you might end up spending more than you can manage in the first couple of years and end up incurring a huge amount of debt and might have to unfortunately close your operations. So make sure that you do the analysis of your key pain areas of your finance and try to keep a tight rein on them

Cash Flow Analysis – Analyzing the Key Problem Areas in Your Business